So it would need to be built into Windows to have the same support. On Mac, thunderbolt drivers are built into the OS. We've had it for a while- it's time to start supporting it. Here's a list of motherboards that have thunderbolt capability: Luckily I'll be able to return it to Sweetwater and get a USB version, but I've been scratching my head wondering why they haven't bothered releasing Thunderbolt drivers, especially since Intel already has drivers out. This is my first experience with UA- I haven't even used my Apollo yet because of this. UA would be doing us a service and garnering a whole lot of support and goodwill.

Do we even know if that's why UA isn't releasing them? Have they said that?

One answer to the question of needing a Windows driver would be "So they cover as many Windows computers as possible", but I haven't seen anything from Windows on this. Maybe I'm missing something but why would they need Windows to have a driver if Intel already has one? Macs use Intel Thunderbolt drivers, correct? Fact check me on that one- I don't know- maybe Apple has their own driver. jnTracks, while you are correct that Windows doesn't have a unified driver for Thunderbolt, Intel ( ) does. The USB version isn't something all of us want to use- we know the difference. UA, if you're reading this, PLEASE update your drivers to work with Windows. That's only a guess but I don't see why they would continue making two versions of their products when the standard will become the same for both Mac and PC. Since Thunderbolt 3 is the same type of connection as USB-C, I think it will help to make cross platform compatibility a reality for Universal Audio products in the future. All versions of Thunderbolt offer lower latency and faster transfer rates than USB 3 and 3.1 it can a lso transfer more than double the power (10W). However, Thunderbolt is simply a superior connection than USB 3.0 and 3.1. Unfortunately I didn't read into the compatibility far enough to realize it was only compatible with Macs because of UA's lack of driver support (Thunderbolt in Windows is relatively new so I understand this). I recently upgraded it for the sole purpose of using the thunderbolt version of the Apollo Twin Duo. My Windows computer has Thunderbolt 3 (and 2 and 1) capability.

The short of it is this: I think the Thunderbolt Apollo Twin Duo should be compatible with Windows.